How good are you at choosing healthier fats?


Take this quiz and see how you well you do at picking the healthier fats. What choice would you make in each pairing below?

a) stick margarine
b) butter

a) lard
b) shortening

a) coconut oil
b) grape-seed oil

a) olive oil
b) canola oil

a) peanut oil
b) palm oil

a) tub margarine
b) butter

a) 35% cream
b) creamer

a) corn oil
b) beef fat

a) fish oil
b) soy oil

If you picked butter, lard, coconut oil, olive oil, palm oil, butter, cream, beef fat and fish oil, congratulations, you know how to choose the healthier options!  Margarine, shortening and creamer are examples of trans-fats and should be avoided at all costs, as study after study shows how dangerous trans-fats are to our cardiovascular system, even in very small amounts. The most recent study discussed at the American Heart Association conference this past week suggested that trans fats increase the risk of stroke by 30% in post-menopausal women. When we hear the phrase "artery clogging", we should think immediately of trans fats, and not lump saturated fats in there as well. These are completely different fats that act very differently in the body, trans fats being extremely destructive, and saturated fats being vital for our survival. I'm not suggesting we need to eat large amounts of saturated fats to be healthy – just that we need not fear them and go out of our way to avoid them.  They havean important role to play
in a healthy diet.

Tub margarine often advertises that it has 0 trans-fats, but that is because food manufacturers are allowed to label it as such if the amount per serving is less than 0.5 grams. This does not mean they have no trans fats, and if one eats a lot of margarine and other products with such a label the trans fats can add up. Furthermore, the polyunsaturated oils in the margarines have to be altered somehow to solidify them, and if they are not hydrogenated, they are interesterified, which does not guarantee that they are healthy.

Shortening replaced lard (pig fat) in baked goods when the erroneous fear of saturated fats became the norm, and currently baked goods such as pastries, donuts, muffins, cookies, crackers, pie crusts and pizza dough contain trans fats much more often than not. Unless you bake your own and can control the ingredients, trans fats (along with the flour and sugar) in these products makes for a powerful health reason to not to buy and eat them. Look at the ingredient list, and if you see a "partially hydrogenated" or "hydrogenated" plant oil, that is a trans fat. If your pantry contains shortening, throw it out and buy lard for your baking needs. Yes, you can still find it in the grocery store, and it is a MUCH healthier choice.

We have known for at least 20 years that trans fats are deadly. Why have governments not yet banned them from the food supply considering the amount of money they would save in health-care spending? Another example of how governments give in to food-manufacturing lobbies rather than do what should be done for the health of their populations.

TThe other common misunderstanding with respect to fats and oils involves polyunsaturated omega 6 plant oils, which are widely believed to be healthy despite the growing evidence of systemic inflammation that they cause in the body. Most of the devastating diseases that are affecting us today have a large inflammatory component, and the dramatic increase in plant oil consumption since 1910 parallels the dramatic increase in diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Before 1910 plant oils other than olive, coconut and palm oils did not exist, and our chronic disease rates were very low. Eating plant/seed oils like canola, safflower, soy, corn, grape seed, peanut, cotton seed oil and any foods that contain them is a very unhealthy practice in my opinion.

Dr. Lands said in his presentation at a recent NIH conference on omega 3 and omega 6 fats (scroll to minute 12 to see the start of the presentation) that "People that have more than half of their highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) as omega 6 HUFA, they really have a very high incidence of cardiovascular death. Those that have less than half of their omega 6 HUFA in their membrane phospholipids predominantly, they really have low incidence of death." (Minute 26 in presentation). Dr. Lands suggested that one should think of these omega 6 plant oils as "insurgents" in the body, and omega 3 fatty acids as the "armour" to protect against "the insurgents". Eating sea foods which contain lots of omega 3s, or fish/krill oils do help protect the body from the systemic inflammation the omega 6 fats cause, but it makes more sense to stop eating the insurgents in the first place. All the same, the more omega 6 one consumes, the more omega 3 one needs to counteract the damage of the omega 6. So if one eats a salad dressing made with canola or soy oil, or food cooked in a vegetable oil, take some extra fish or krill oil as protection. Walnuts are considered to be a high omega 3 nut, but the amount of omega 6 in walnuts is 5X higher than the amount of omega 3, so trying to use walnuts to improve one's omega 3/6 ratio won't work, even though it has a much better ratio than any other nut.

Notice that all the fats and oils listed in the quiz above as unhealthy for us were all invented in the last 100 years. Stick to fats that we have been eating for thousands of years and avoid the newly invented fats in order to stay healthy.

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Related Tips:
Saturated fat, the misunderstood nutrient
Vegetable oils, friend or foe?
Oils and fats – the good, the bad and the ugly
Essential fats: omega 3 to omega 6 ratio
Food-Guide Fallacy

Total fat, trans fat linked to higher incidence of ischemic stroke American Stroke Association meeting report, Feb 27, 2010.

Charles Bankhead Review Calls for Reevaluation of the Fat-CVD Link Medpage Today, February 18, 2010.

Nutritional armor for the war fighter: Can omega 3 enhance stress resilience, wellness and military performance? Oct. 14, 2009.

Enig, Mary PhD, and Fallon, SallyThe Oiling of America A history of how the way we ate changed from 1900 to 2000. Jan 1. 1999.

Enig, Mary PhD Interesterification: Know your fats Weston A Price Foundation

Enig, Mary; Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer For Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils, and Cholesterol Bethesda Press, Silver Spring, MD, 2003.

Soriquer F. et al.Hypertension is related to the degradation of dietary frying oils Am J Clin Nutr Dec;78(6):1092-7, 2003.

Online by Mary Enig, PhD, fats, oils and lipids researcher Fats and Oils and their impact on health

Taubes, Gary Good Calories, Bad Calories, Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Diet, Weight Control, and Disease Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2007.

Gardner CDComparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish, and LEARN diets for change in weight and related risk factors among overweight premenopausal women: the A TO Z Weight Loss Study: a randomized trial. JAMA 2007 Mar 7;297(9):969-77.

Felton C. et al.Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and composition of human aortic plaques Lancet, 1994, 344:1195

de Roos NM et al.Replacement of dietary saturated fatty acids by trans fatty acids lowers serum HDL cholesterol and impairs endothelial function in healthy men and womenArterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, Jul; 21(7):1233-7, 2001

de Roos NM et al.Consumption of a solid fat rich in lauric acid results in a more favorable serum lipid profile in healthy men and women than consumption of a solid fat rich in trans fatty acids Journal of Nutrition Feb:131(2):242-5, 2001.

de Roos et al.Replacement of dietary saturated fat with trans fat reduces serum paraoxonase activity in healthy men and women Metabolism Dec;51(12):1534-7, 2002.

Temme EH. et al.Individual saturated fatty acids and effects on whole blood aggregation in vitroEur J Clin Nut Oct:52(10):697-702, 1998.

Knopp RF Saturated fat prevents coronary artery disease? An American paradox American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 80, No. 5, 1102-1103, Nov 2004.

Simopoulos AP.The omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio, genetic variation, and cardiovascular disease. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2008;17 Suppl 1:131-4.

Simopoulos AP.The importance of the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio in cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2008
Jun;233(6):674-88. Epub 2008 Apr 11.

Ghosh S et al.Cardiac proinflammatory pathways are altered with different dietary n-6 linoleic to n-3 alpha-linolenic acid ratios in normal, fat-fed pigs. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2007 Nov;293(5):H2919-27. Epub 2007 Aug 24.

Copyright 2010 Vreni Gurd

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  1. Terry said,

    February 28, 2010 @ 9:43 am

    I just wanted to caution people about buying lard at the grocery store. The lard I have seen in grocery stores which is Armour brand has been partially hydrogenated, I presume to give it a longer shelf life. I buy fat from a local pig farmer here and make my own.

  2. Vreni said,

    February 28, 2010 @ 12:57 pm

    Hi Terry,

    Thanks for this. I did not know they hydrogenated lard as well. Crazy!

  3. Randall Friedman, RMT said,

    March 1, 2010 @ 12:29 pm

    Hi Vreni,

    As you know I’m a huge fan of your blog and email. Thanks for the dedicated research.
    What I am curious about the getting the healthy benefits of Omega 3’s from organic flaxseed oil which advertises high in 3’s. I get mine at Costco. I have in the past also used Udo’s Oil but found it quite expensive and it includes 6 and 9. I would have thought we get enough of the 6 and 9 varieties in the less desirable fats we ingest.

    I have been making smoothies for over two years. Fairly basic containing: frozen strawberries, mangos or blueberries, yoghurt, Super green powder mix of one brand or another, flax seed oil, bee pollen, and some kind of pure juice mixed with veggies. I suspect I am drinking a lot of calories with all the fruit and the juice I use. I was recently told that I shouldn’t be eating the strawberries unless they are organic as they have a lot of pesticides sprayed on them. How about the frozen mangos and frozen packaged blueberries?
    I am very excited as $100 blender finally broke and after a lot of research I bought the Blendtec 3hp blender. $510.00 including taxes and shipping. Very excited to receive the benefits of making even healthier smoothies. My friend blends up avocado pits and apricot kernels as they are supposed to be very healthy source of soluble fibre and help clean the blood vessels. Any comment? I look forward to your reply.

    Randall Friedman, RMT

  4. Vreni said,

    March 2, 2010 @ 1:14 am

    Hey Randall!

    Great to hear from you. Yes, flax oil is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids for those that have the enzymes needed to convert it to DHA and EPA. And yes, using flax oil is a much better idea than an oil blend that also contains omega 6, as we get so much omega 6 in our diet without supplementing.

    If you stick to organic fruit you will avoid the pesticides – yes, strawberries are one of the worst offenders, with about 19 pesticides being sprayed on them and no idea what happens when they mix in our bodies.

    You may want to reduce the fruit a bit in the smoothies, as fructose turns to triglycerides in the liver within an hour of ingestion. So put in a bit for flavour if you want, but not too much. Getting fructose in the form of fruit is, of course, much better than as high fructose corn syrup in processed food and soft drinks, because at least it comes with some vitamins and minerals! But many people are quite sensitive to fructose, and have trouble losing weight when lots of fruit is included in the diet.

    I admit I don’t know much about the health benefits of avocado pits and apricot kernels … Sorry about that. The main thing you can do to keep arteries clear is avoid omega 6 plant oils and trans fats.

    Hope that helps!

    Vreni 🙂

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