Food-Guide Fallacy

Okay, this may come across as a bit of a rant, but I was researching further last night about traditional diets, and well, I simply can’t understand where the current so-called healthy diet pyramids and food guides are coming from.

What we are being told to eat simply makes no sense. The problem with western medicine is we are missing the forest for studying the trees, and when it comes to health, we are studying disease in order to figure out how to be healthy! Doesn’t that seem a little upside-down and backwards to you?

If you wanted to become a world-class piano player, would you study the worst piano player you could find? Of course not! In order to figure out why we are suffering from so many chronic diseases today, we have to study the healthy and model them. That might be tricky in today’s world, because what populations are healthy to enough to study?

Luckily, we can look at the research of Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist from Cleveland Ohio in the 1940s, who traveled the world looking at populations that were completely isolated and had not yet come in contact with “white man’s food”.

He looked at the peoples from an isolated Swiss village, the Inuit from northern Canada, the Australian aborigines, a few different African tribes and many other cultures, and even though each culture had a unique diet, he noticed that all of these peoples had beautiful bone structure and perfect, straight teeth with next to no cavities, and they were strong, lean and in perfect health. Their palates were wide so there was no crowding of the teeth.

This was not what he was seeing in his dental practice in the States. Here he saw that the bone structure below the eyebrows was narrowing, palates were small so there was not enough room for all the teeth, and jaw bones were also narrow – almost like the lower face was hanging from the skull, rather than the lower face supporting the skull.

Look around you, folks! How frequently do we see nice broad faces and jaw lines? How many kids don’t need braces? Is this an accident? No. The traditional peoples were eating a diet that provided the raw materials required by the body to create a healthy bone structure, and most of us today are not, in spite of the efforts of many people to follow food guide recommendations.

When we look at Francis Pottenger’s famous cat studies, we learn that it took only three generations of processed and cooked food before the cats could no longer reproduce. With each progressive generation, their skulls had narrowed and their bones had become more brittle.

Meanwhile, the cats that were fed their natural raw diet, remained healthy and strong, and had no problems reproducing.

The kids of today are of the third generation since we came off traditional foods and moved towards convenience and processed foods. And notice how fertility problems are becoming a larger and larger issue for our society! We need to change how we eat now, on a massive scale, so that we can regain our health, and we can learn a lot from how these healthy traditional societies ate.

Drugs are not going to be the panacea for our ailing health. We need to start with the building blocks of proper nutrition, so we can build ourselves strong, healthy bodies that function optimally.

So, what foods should we be eating more of? Exactly what the food guides tell us to avoid. All traditional cultures highly valued animal foods, and particularly saturated fats from animals, in the form of raw cream, raw butter, eggs, animal fat, organ meats, fish oils or fish roe, depending on the culture being examined.

This makes complete sense, as quality saturated fats are critical for the development of a healthy nervous system, digestive tract, cell walls, and also for the absorption of the vitamin A and D, and most minerals.

Without quality saturated fat, you can’t mineralize your bones. Human breast milk is loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol for a very good reason – these nutrients are vital to a growing baby.

And guess what is the vital precursor to the sex hormones, which are needed for good fertility? Cholesterol! It should be noted that none of these traditional cultures had problems with heart disease, despite in some cases eating a diet that was mostly saturated fat.

The other big message is these traditional cultures ate no foods that were denatured, altered or processed in any way, with no additives. Any grains that were consumed were fermented first, and frequently meat was fermented as well.

As soon as these cultures were exposed to the displacing foods of white sugar, white flour, pasteurized dairy, vegetable oils, canned vegetables and other forms of processed food, the bone structure and teeth of their offspring started to degenerate.

Read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A. Price and see the photos of the natives.

It becomes blatantly clear that by following today’s food guides that recommend we eat huge quantities of unfermented grains, that we choose polyunsaturated plant oils which are very inflammatory to the body, over healthful saturated fats, we are heading down the road to chronic disease and degeneration.

Related Tips:
Food – our raw material
Saturated Fat – the misunderstood nutrient
High cholesterol does not cause heart disease

Price, Weston A. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration Price-Pottenger Foundation, La Mesa, CA, 2000.

Pottenger, Francis MD Pottenger’s Cats; Second Edition , Price-Pottenger Foundation, Lemon Grove, CA, 1995.

Enig, Mary; Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer For Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils, and Cholesterol Bethesda Press, Silver Spring, MD, 2003.

Fallon, Sally and Enig, Mary; Nourishing Traditions, Revised 2nd Edition NewTrends Publishing Inc., Washington, D.C., 2001

Ravnskov, Uffe, MD, PhD The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease, New Trends Publishing Inc., Washington D.C., 2000.

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  1. Carnival of Nourishment: 8th edition said,

    December 18, 2007 @ 3:17 am

    […] Vreni Gurd presents Food-Guide Fallacy; posted at wellness tips, saying, “I different look at nutrition – I hope you like it!” I sure do Vreni. You forgot to mention, however, that saturated fat from grass fed animals is rich with vital fat soluble vitamins. Saturated fat from confined grain fed animals is indeed dangerous. […]

  2. Vreni said,

    December 18, 2007 @ 11:50 am

    Yes, I didn’t mention the need for grass-fed animals in this post, but I think you will notice that I discuss it frequently in others. It is all so logical, isn’t it? Eat animals that are eating their native diet, eat plants grown in good soil that is alive, without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers …

    Thanks for including me in the carnival!

  3. Brandon Harshe said,

    January 7, 2008 @ 3:21 pm

    Geez! You are speaking my language! Modern medicine is so backwards in its research. It hasn’t discovered the “prevention” paradigm.

  4. roberta robinson said,

    July 21, 2008 @ 12:07 pm

    I have to say I have read so many conflicting ideas on what is healthy, that is just boggles the mind!! I agree that medicine is not about health but about profits, so why would they tell us what is really healthy? I mean healthy people don’t spend money on doctors and medicine, if everyone was healthy the many doctors would go out of business, except perhaps trama doctors who treat severe injuries and disease when it does still happen.

    I have no idea how I should eat i have tried so many diets in my 30+ history only to get fatter and unhealthier by the decade. I have high insulin levels as far as my doctors have told me since I have all the symptoms of syndrome x more than half in fact. it really is frustrating. fats make you fat, no they don’t, carbohydrates are good, no they are bad, you should eat only 30 percent fat, no 20 percent eat soy don’t eat soy.

    I have been following the meditarrean diet idea (with some modifications) for over 5 months with a few days in total of not eating healthy, eating to much junk but overall only meditarrean type diet. I have to say my asthma is nonexistant or so reduced I don’t notice it. never had it by the way as a child. have not need my inhaler for months. I walk without gasping and without muscle cramps.

    my questions consist of if junk food (like reese cups and ice cream) are so bad for you why does my body want it from time to time? if obesity is so bad why doesn’t the body turn off my appetite for a while until the body can detoxify and release the fuel burn it off before stirring up hunger again? why doesn’t my body make me disinterested in foods that are bad or high caloires until the fat on the body is gone if obesity is so bad? I mean I have seen and read about animals that do, they are deliberatly overfed get fat and lose their appetites up to a week before hunger comes on again.

    after all my body seems very able to increase my appetite surly it can reduce it to get rid of excess fat if that fat is so harmful to it’s survival? none of this makes any sense to me at all since our bodies are designed for survival and anything that works against it the body adjusts to bring back equillbrium right? the only thing that somewhat makes sense to me is our bodies are to sick to do anything about it until it heals.


  5. Theresa Rehm-Hamilton said,

    August 12, 2012 @ 10:42 pm

    Roberta your body wants more reeses cups & ice cream because sugar is addictive! I have the same problem with the sweets – chocolate is my weakness. I eat plenty of veggies, never drink soda, eat free range chicken, use almond milk instead of dairy & coconut oil instead of vegetable oil – yet the sweets are irresistible! I wish they hadn’t ever introduced this to our diet & didn’t add all kinds of crap to our food – it really makes it challenging to eat healthy!

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