Food, our raw material

Back to basics, this week. I’ve been constantly suggesting that we should be eating unprocessed, organic food, but I have never fully explained why this is important to our health.

We replace about 2 million blood cells each second, as well as a large number of muscle cells, bone cells, nerve cells daily. So, what are the cells made from that our body replaces daily? The food that we eat.

If the food, the raw material from which our cells are made, is without much nutrition and filled with toxins, how can our cells build themselves sufficiently to function optimally? If the cells are unhealthy, the systems become unhealthy, and over time, disease results.

You would not build a house of rotten wood and rusted steel and expect it to last. The quality of the materials determines the quality of the house.

It seems evident in the house example, but most of us don’t give much thought to the consequences of eating a poor diet, probably because the consequences like diabetes, cancer, heart disease don’t show up for a long time.

You literally are what you eat, so choose the raw material from which you are made wisely. Choose unprocessed, organic food.

If you are interested in food issues and your health, Paul Chek’s  You Are What You Eat CD Series is a must. Once you have listened to these CDs you will know more about food and food issues than many dietitians, and truly understand the impact of the food you eat on your health. The CDs are fantastic and are geared to the lay person.

If you would like to get clarity on how to eat healthy, take my online nutrition course.

Related Posts:

Eat – Processed food is taking over our supermarkets

Eat – Food Guide Fallacy

Chek, Paul; You Are What You Eat CD Series  Chek Institute, San Diego, CA, 2002.

1 Comment

  1. Life Without Memories » Blog Archive » Carnival of Healing - A Round Up of Health Related Blog Posts said,

    November 25, 2006 @ 8:57 am

    […] Vreni Gurd presents Eat – Food, our raw material posted at wellness tips. The food we eat today turns into our cells tomorrow. Do you want your heart muscle to be made out of those cheese puffs you ate today? Eat quality food. […]

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