Remineralize your water


In a previous tip I’ve suggested that for optimal health we need to drink half our bodyweight in ounces of water each and every day. Many of you are probably finding that drinking this much water means you are spending an abundant amount of time in the bathroom, and that this is an inconvenience that makes it tough to follow through on the recommendation. Hopefully you will find that today’s tip will go a long way to solving that problem.

For water to be optimally healthy for us, it should have a hardness factor of 170mg/L and a total dissolved solids (TDS) of 300 or greater, according to Dr. Martin Fox, on his website According to Fox’s review of the research, softer waters are correlated to greater incidences of heart disease and cancer.

Most bottled waters have far less than 300 TDS, and some even advertise that their water is demineralized. Brands that have adequate total dissolved solids include Evian, Vittel, Volvic, Fiji and Trinity. Look for the TDS on the label. If the water is too soft, add a pinch of organic Celtic Sea Salt (the gray, moist stuff that sticks to the sides of the container – absolutely do NOT use white, refined table salt as it is terrible for you) or a pinch of Pascalite clay to each liter of water you drink This will not change the taste, but will increase the hardness and the total dissolved solids adequately, and will for most of you reduce the need to use the bathroom as you will actually be absorbing the water into your cells. Water that is hard enough is an excellent source of minerals that is in a form that is readily usable by our bodies. If you use a lot of salt on your food, use Pascalite clay instead. Check your local health food store, or order it from Pascalite Inc. at 1-800-909-7284.

Chek, Paul;How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy! Chek Institute, San Diego, CA, 2004.

Fox, Martin,MD; Healthy Water. Portsmouth, NH: Healthy Water Research, 1990,1998.

Burton AC, Cornhill F. Correlation of Cancer Death Rates with Altitude and with the Quality of Water Supply of 100 Largest Cities in the United States. J. Toxicology and Environmental Health 1977;3:465-478.

GW. Reviews and Commentary: Water Hardness and Cardiovascular Diseases. Am. J. Epidemiology 1979;110 (October): 375-400.

Gottlieb MS, Carr JK, Morris DT. Cancer and Drinking Water in Louisiana: Colon and Rectum. Int’l. J. Epidemiology 1981;10 (June): 117-125.

Leoni V, Fabiiani L, Ticchiarelli L. Water Hardness and Cardiovascular Mortality Rate in Abruzzo, Italy. Archives of Environmental Health 1985;40:274-278.

Marier JR. Cardio-Protective Contribution of Hard Water to Magnesium Intake. Rev. Can. Biol. 1978;37,2 (June) 115-125.

Puddu V, Signoretti P. Drinking Water and Cardiovascular Disease. Am. Heart J. 1980;99(April):539-540.

Sharrett AR, Heyden S, Masironi R, Greathouse D, Shaper A, Hewitt D. Panel Discussion: The Relationship of Hard Water and Soft Water in CVD and Health. J. Environmental Pathology and Toxicology 1980;4:113-141.

1 Comment

  1. diekly said,

    July 26, 2010 @ 11:40 am

    I don’t generally reply to articles but I’ sure will in this case. Truly a big thumbs up for this one.

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